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What Is TruDOSE?

It’s a treatment where we first draw a specific amount of blood based on your unique disease conditions and platelet levels, then we concentrate your platelets, and finally the platelets are re-infused back into you. So, it’s your own blood healing your own body!​


The reason we utilize this therapy is because it has shown great results helping patients with all kinds of disease conditions get symptom relief and even reverse their conditions. It’s extremely safe and, because it's your own blood, there is very minimal risk.


Intro to TruDOSE Healing

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Systemic Inflammation 

Unresolved immune and repair issues cause systemic inflammation and break the body down  (see video above). These unresolved issues force the body to sequentially shut off functions (cellular, organ, and metabolic) in an order only the body knows. As functions shut down in the body, symptoms arise along with disease conditions. This cycle keeps repeating itself until the body is simply stuck, perpetually, in a state of systemic inflammation.


How do you determine

My Custom Dose?

The TruDOSE™ system figures that out. When you come in, your finger is pricked to take a few drops of blood. The blood is measured and imported into our software to determine the personalized therapy for you based on your disease condition.


What's the process like during treatment?

Blood is Drawn

An IV line will be put into your arm and blood will be drawn…somewhere between 4–16 tablespoons of blood.


Blood is Processed

That blood is processed in a centrifuge to separate the platelets. After the centrifugation process, your treatment is ready to be administered.



After the treatment, you will stay a few minutes for observation, and then you will be free to go.

What are the risks?

To date, there have been thousands of treatments done across the US at other clinics and nobody has reported any side effects or complications. It’s your own blood going back in to your body... nothing more.

Some patients experience a temporary Herxheimer reaction. If you do, this is normal and should only be temporary. Patients with neurological conditions could experience pain that they otherwise did not have before the treatment. This too is normal and a good sign of the body’s healing inflammation happening. It’s a sign the body is waking up the nervous system.


If you’re experiencing small changes (sleep, energy, clear-headed, pain going away, etc.) then that means it's working.

What should I expect after treatment?

This depends on the individual, the disease condition, and many other factors. Each person’s healing progress will be slightly different...even if two people have the same disease condition. You should experience effects from the treatment within 24-72 hours. Some people experience immediate benefits before they leave the office. Early common signs of our treatment are great sleep, increased energy, cognitive improvement, and other positive changes within the first 24-72 hour timeframe.

How long will the treatment effects last?

The treatment effects and benefits will continue up until the 8-12 week mark. All of the little benefits your body had been experiencing will maintain, and that will become your body’s new normal or homeostasis. That’s when you need to get the next treatment because the benefits will build from there.


How does the treatment know what to fix?

Your platelets are responsible for overseeing the activities of your repair and immune systems.

When you take your blood out then re-introduce it at a super-concentrated specific dose of platelets, it basically resets and activates the repair and immune systems. Your platelets are then able to see your whole body from a systemic perspective and determine which problems to tackle first, second, and third. Unresolved repairs in your body become fixed and unresolved immune problems are cleared. Essentially, your body is being restarted and then recalibrated. The recalibration process lasts all the way until the 8-12 week time frame and then you have your new normal.

What if I don't experience those benefits right away? Does that mean the treatment didn't work?

Not necessarily. It's rare that the treatment does nothing for a patient, but it might not fix what you are wanting it to fix. The systemic effects of the treatment will go to work on things you had no idea were a problem or causing pain. For some people it just takes a little bit for the body to recalibrate these things that aren’t working properly. Again, the treatment effects will continue to occur up until the 8-12 week mark. It's not often, but sometimes people experience noticeable benefits at that time point, so you just have to give the treatment time to work.

How many treatments will I need?
This depends on the disease condition and many individual factors, but prepare yourself for a minimum of 4 treatments over the next year at an interval of every 8-12 weeks. Each treatment will significantly improve your condition, but it’s not advisable to only seek 1 treatment to fix these problems. The reason is that while a single treatment will normally make significant changes, the body can relapse backwards. We have learned over time that the 4 treatment program is the best option to optimize results. After the 4th treatment, you and your doctor can decide what’s the best thing to do as part of your treatment plan. We have found that patients do one of two things after the 4th treatment:
1. They enter into a maintenance observation mode where they will come in the second they feel their body have a flare up or other inflammatory problem.

2. Or, and this is what the majority of patients do...they continue with the 8-12 week program because the cost of doing the treatment is cheaper and has less risk of relapsing back to their disease condition.
TruDOSE Therapy continues as more of a preventive treatment. Each treatment will continue to improve your brain function, neurological system, immune system, and repair system to maintain your optimal health.

Custom Zoom Link

TruDOSE & Dr. Doreo

Monday, July 29, 2024

7:00 PST

Dr. Nancy Doreo

11400 N Ventura Ave, Floor 2, Ojai CA 93023

(805) 777-7184

©2024 TruDOSE Regenerative Technology

This web site is provided for educational and informational purposes about platelet therapy and does not constitute providing medical advice or professional services. All information provided on this website is from physician observational evidence or patient testimonials and not published clinical studies or clinical trials. As such, this information should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease.  Individuals seeking personal medical advice should consult with a licensed physician. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. No physician-patient relationship is created by this web site or its use.

As of June 1, 2021, the FDA updated their guidance on all “stem cell regenerative” therapies. The FDA makes a clear distinction on the use of autologous (from you) platelet therapies compared to donor cell therapies (cells not from you). The FDA1 states: “This guidance also does not apply to products that fall outside the definition of HCT/P in 21 CFR 1271.3(d). For example, platelet rich plasma (PRP, blood taken from an individual and given back to the same individual as platelet rich plasma) is not an HCT/P under 21 CFR Part 1271 because it is a blood product. Accordingly, FDA does not apply the criteria in 21 CFR 1271.10(a) to PRP, and PRP is outside the scope of this guidance.”

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